Mapping for Good

The world is full of explorers, and full of things to be explored.

Discover places from an inspiring point of view.

Our map invites you to explore forward-thinking projects, companies and soon to come events in your area.
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Be a part of it!

Find all the information you need to get in touch with projects you want to engage with. Stop by to say Hello!
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Let’s create a world for tomorrow.

Together, we want to show and embrace the positive change in our society.
Let’s create a world

How to use the von morgen map

type in the search bar
filter your category
view the detail of your entry
edit the entry you want
create a new entry
create a network

We have a vision

von morgen supports creativity, sustainability and joint action.
We believe in a modern society in wich we all can embrace a self-determined, content and environmental-friendly life. Our goal: a benevolent future.
post card

A project by

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creator 1
creator 2